Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Important Stuff

I had this great conversation some time ago with a person who came to a church service for the first time in their Adult life. She told me that she faintly remembered going as a very young child but could not remember any details except that there was a large cross up front in the church sanctuary. She said she could not take her eyes off of the cross the entire time.

So after all those years had passed and she attended a church service again as an Adult I was curious - I asked, "So how was it?" Her response really caught me off guard. "It was kind of scary" she said. So I kept asking, "What do you mean?" She looked at me with very intense eyes and said, "It all seemed so important. I don't attend anything these days that seems very important. Church seemed very important."

I get all kinds of reactions to church services these days - "It was too long." "It was too loud." "It was too boring." "Your story was so funny." This is the first time anyone has ever said, "It all seemed so important."

She is on to something. I need the reminder that spiritual concerns are very important. I never want what I do as a vocation to just become a "job". There are a few things in life that rise to the level of being very important - my relationship with my dear wife, Linda, my relationship with my Grandchildren and my daughter and son-in-law, my close friends, and my co-workers - but none of these relationships will flourish if my relationship with God is not healthy and growing. That is important.

I am thankful for the reminder.

Just thinking, Steve

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