Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Time in Texas!

Spring is rapidly unfolding before me here in Southeast Texas. To those who live in the northern regions this sounds so odd, I know. The trees are blooming, the grass is beginning to green, and the spring pollen is filling the air - Springtime in Texas!

I know it is spring because my neighbor was wearing his cargo shorts last Saturday and his legs are as white as pure snow! I know it is Spring because we went to our favorite place to eat planning on sitting on the Patio and it was full and it was a 1 hour wait to get a table. I know it is Spring because the bees were buzzing me as I sat on the patio at home enjoying some recreational reading - they even wanted to go in my Diet Coke can. I kept telling them they would be disappointed. I know it is Spring because people were letting their dogs run free Sunday afternoon as my wife and I enjoyed a vigorous walk. Every dog wanted to go with us - and who can blame them - it is Springtime!

When I was a kid I would get Spring fever and along with my fishing buddies I would leave the moment school was out and sometimes even slip out a bit early (like half of a day) and head to the river to go fishing. Every fishing trip began with great hopes of catching that big bass or catfish but even if we had only limited success we had a blast.

Spring is the season of new life - maybe you need some new life. Has it been a hard cold winter of discontent for you? Take courage - the seasons of life offer new opportunities to begin again.

One friend told me about a new "Spring season" with his son. They had not spoken in several years and so he began writing his son a few months ago - he wrote 5 long letters with no response. The other day his Son called him and said, "Hey Dad, want to go fishing?" They have a day of fishing planned now. New beginnings - new hope.

Is there someone or something in your life that could benefit from a season of new beginnings? I encourage you to get "spring fever" and plant a seed and pray and hope for newness in those important relationships in your life.

Just thinking, Steve

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