Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Best Rest

Like many of you, I have had a very busy week. Last night when I crawled into bed I was aching tired. I slept all night without stirring a single time. Long days and late nights make any of us tired. My life is not like that all the time but sometimes it is.

There are different kinds of fatigue. Staying at the hospital with a sick family member is about as exhausting as anything that I have ever done. I remember how tired I was when I played High School football and we would do those August "two-a-days" - grueling work outs that lasted for hours in the blazing heat. That was a deep, bone tired, with sore muscles and the dread of the next day lurking just around the corner. Waiting up for your daughter to come in from her Prom night is brutal and then when she arrives home safely you are so tired and wound tight you cannot sleep.

A good nights rest is wonderful. It does help to recharge us but sometimes we need to find rest for our souls and our psyche. Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29)

An old hymn from my childhood has echoed in my head lately:
Peace, perfect peace,
By thronging duties pressed?
To do the will of Jesus---
This is rest.

There is a rest - a soul rest - peace, perfect peace that comes from just doing what Jesus has called us to do. Even when we are physically exhausted this kind of rest is the best.

Rest for your good.

Just thinking, (and resting)

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